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Biodiesel Technology Group: Research Activities

Integrated Pilot Plants for Palm Biodiesel


Although palm biodiesel has been fully established as diesel substitute, it can only be used in tropical countries due to its high pour point (15 to 20ºC).  A technology has been developed by MPOB to overcome the problem, thus making palm biodiesel more versatile and competitive.


Besides having good low temperature flow characteristic, the low pour point palm biodiesel also exhibits comparable fuel properties as petroleum diesel. It can meet the European Standard for Biodiesel EN14214:2003 as well as ASTM D6751:07b. Besides, it is renewable, environmental-friendly and biodegradable.


The consumption of palm biodiesel will not contribute to net increase of carbon dioxide; a GHG that causes global warming. Besides significant reduction of black smoke, carbon monoxides and hydrocarbon in the exhaust emissions, it brings greater impact during winter as it  reduces smog formation. Owing to its superior low temperature flow characteristics, it is definitely a more marketable product than the normal grade palm biodiesel during winter.

(Officer In-charge: Dr. Harrison Lau Nik Nang)

Pre-Treatment Pilot Plant

Esterification Pilot Plant

Reaction Pilot Plant

Dry and Solvent Fractionation Pilot Plant

Esterification Pilot Plant

Fractional Distillation Pilot Plant

Short Path Distillation Pilot Plant

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