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  • JEGATHISH KANADASAN, HASHIM ABDUL RAZAK, VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM. Properties of High Flowable Mortar Containing High Volume Palm Oil Clinker (POC) Fine for Eco-friendly Construction. Journal of cleaner production.

  • LOH SOH KHEANG, NASRIN ABU BAKAR, MOHAMMAD AZRI SUKIRAN, NURUL ADELA BUKHARI, MUZZAMMIL NGATIMAN, DARYL JAY T, STASHA ELEANOR ROSLAND ABEL, LIM WENG SOON, CHOO YUEN MAY and KALTSCHMITT M (2017).  First Report on Malaysia’s Experiences and Development in Biogas Capture and Utilization from Palm Oil Mill Effluent under the Economic Transformation Programme: Current and Future Perspectives. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74:1257–1274 (ISI IF = 8.050).

  • LOH SOH KHEANG (2017). The Potential of the Malaysian Oil Palm Biomass as a Renewable Energy Source. Energy Convers Manage., 141; 285–298 (OISI IF = 5.589

  • LOH SOH KHEANG, KAH YEIN CHEONG and JUMAT SALIMON. (2017). Surface-active Physicochemical Characteristics of Spent Bleaching Earth on Soil-Plant Interaction and Water-nutrient uptake: A review. Applied Clay Science 140:59–65 (ISI IF = 3.10

  • MAH S. H., TEH SOEK SIN and EE, G. C. L. (2017).  Anti-inflammatory, Anti-cholinergic and Cytotoxic Effects of Sida Rhombifolia. Pharmaceutical Biology, 55, 920-928.

  • MARIO MENDEZ ALLER, ONG DUU SHENG, HARRISON LAU LIK NANG and SASCHA PREU (2017). THz Spectroscopy of Palm Oil Products. International Conference on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology (OTST 2017), London, UK. 2-6 April 2017.).

  • MOHAMAD AZRI SUKIRAN, FAISAL ABNISA, WAN MOHD ASHRI WAN DAUD, NASRIN ABU BAKAR and SOH KHEANG LOH. A Review of Torrefaction of Oil Palm Solid Wastes for Biofuel Production. Energy Conversion and Management 149 (2017) 101-120.

  • MOHAMAD AZRI SUKIRAN, LOH SOH KHEANG and NASRIN ABU BAKAR. Pyrolysis of Oil Palm Biomass to Multiple Fuels and Products: Experiences of MPOB. Engineering Bulletin No.123.

  • MUZZAMMIL NGATIMAN, VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM and LOH SOH KHEANG. Exploring the Potential of POME Scale Deposits as an Alternative Source of Phosphorous Mineral and a Mean to Save the Environment. Engineering Bulletin No. 124.

  • NURUL ADELA BUKHARI, LOH SOH KHEANG and NASRIN, A.B. Hydrolysis of Residual Starch from Sago Pith Residue and Its Fermentation to Bioethanol. Accepted Sains Malaysiana (ISI IF = 0.408). 24 Jan. 2017.

  • NURUL ADELA BUKHARI (2017). Assessment of Flocculation Performance of a Novel Bioflocculant in Harvesting Chlorella Vulgaris UMACC283. Jurnal Teknologi.

  • NURUL ADELA BUKHARI, NASRIN ABU BAKAR and LOH SOH KHEANG (2017). Novel bioflocculant from palm oil mill effluent (POME) and its potential application. Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin 124: 35-40.: 35-40.

  • NUR AZREENA IDRIS, LOH SOH KHEANG, HARRISON LIK NANG LAU, EMINOUR MUZALINA MUSTAFA, VEJEYSRI VELLO, TAN CHENG YAU and PHANG SIEW MOI. Cultivation of Microalgae in Medium Containing Palm Oil Mill Effluent and its Conversion into Biofuel. JOPR, 29(2): 291-299. (ISI IF = 0.544)

  • NUR SULIHATIMARSYILA ABD WAFTI, HARRISON LAU LIK NANG, LOH SOH KHEANG, ASTIMAR ABD AZIZ, ZULKIFLI AB RAHMAN and CHOO YUEN MAY (2017). Activated Carbon from Oil Palm Biomass as Potential Adsorbent for Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment. Journal of Oil Palm Research 29: 278-290.

  • NASRIN ABU BAKAR; VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM; LOH SOH KHEANG AND LIM WENG SOON (2017). Quality Compliance and Environmental Impact Assessments of Commercial EFB Pellet Fuel in Malaysia. JOPR. DOI:

  • SEE, I., EE, G. C. L., MAH, S. H., JONG, V. Y. M. and TEH SOEK SIN 2017. Effects of Solvents on Phytochemical Concentrations and Antioxidant Activity of Garcinia benthamiana Stem Bark Extracts. Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, 23, 117-127.

  • STASHA ELEANOR ROSLAND ABEL and LOH SOH KHEANG (2017). Fermentation of Biodiesel-Derived Waste for 1,3-propanediol Production with Response Surface Methodology. Journal of Oil Palm Research 29 (1): 74-80.

  • STASHA ELEANOR ROSLAND ABEL and LOH SOH KHEANG. Bio-based 1,3-propanediol production from crude glycerol. Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin. No. 123 (Apr - Jun 2017).

  • VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, ZULKIFLI HASHIM and HALIMAH MUHAMAD. CH23: Life Cycle Analysis of Palm Oil Cultivation in Book: Achieving sustainable cultivation of oil palm (ed. Dr. Alain Rival) Burleigh dodds Science Publishing Limited, 2017.

  • YAP CHEAU CHIN, LOH SOH KHEANG and CHONG MEI FONG (2017). Palm oil potential. The Chemical Engineer 910: 42-45.

  • ZULKIFLI HASHIM, VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, HARUN M H and KAMARUDIN N. Carbon Footprint of oil palm planted on Peat in Malaysia. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. DOI 10.1007/s11367-017-1367-y.




  • CHENG-YAU TAN, NIK MERIAM NIK SULAIMAN, SOH KHEANG LOH and SIEW-MOI PHANG. Chlorella biomass production in annular photobioreactor using palm oil mill effluent (POME): effect of hydrodynamics and mass transfer, irradiance, aeration rate and POME concentration. JOPR (December 2016).

  •  DAVANNENDRAN CHANDRAN, NG HOON KIAT, HARRISON LAU LIK NANG, GAN SUYIN; CHOO, YM and SALMAH JAHIS (2016). Compatibility of Biodiesel Fuel with Metals and Elastomers in Fuel Delivery System of a Diesel Engine. JOPR 28(1): 64-73.

  •  DAVANNENDRAN CHANDRAN, HOON KIAT NG, HARRISON LAU LIK NANG, SUYIN GAN and YUEN MAY CHOO (2016). Investigation of the Effects of Palm Biodiesel Dissolved Oxygen and Conductivity on Metal Corrosion and Elastomer Degradation under Novel Immersion Method. Applied Thermal Engineering 104: 294-308.

  •  DAVANNENDRAN CHANDRAN, HOON KIAT NG, HARRISON LAU LIK NANG, YUEN MAY CHOO (2016). Deterioration of Palm Biodiesel Fuel under Common Rail Diesel Engine Operation. Energy.(In press).

  •  HARYATI ZAINAL, VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, ZULKIFLI HASHIM, SOH KHEANG LOH and AHMAD KUSHAIRI DIN. The Importance of Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) for the Oil Palm Industry. Engineering Bulletin (121), December 2016.

  • LOH SOH KHEANG and STASHA ELEANOR ROSLAND ABEL (2016). Conversion of Crude Glycerol to 1,3-propanediol by newly isolated Kluyvera cryocrescens. JOPR 28(2): 222-227. 

  • LOH SOH KHEANG (2016). The potential of the Malaysian oil palm biomass as a renewable energy source.  Energy Conversion and Management.  In Press Corrected Proof,

  • SOH KHEANG LOH, LYNDA DAZHI LIAN and MOHAMAD AZRI SUKIRAN (2016). MPOB-BEE high efficient methane fermentation system for electricity generation. Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No. 120. p. 11-14.

  • LIEW W. L., KASSIM M. A., MUDA K., LOH SOH KHEANG. (2016). Feasibility study on palm oil processing wastes towards achieving zero discharge. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11(4), 2400-2405.

  • LIPING TAN, MEI MEI WANG, XUEZHI LI, HONGXING LI , JIAN ZHAO, YINBO QU and YUEN MAY CHOO, SOH KHEANG LOH (2016). Fractionation of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch by Bisulfite Pretreatment for the production of Bioethanol and High Value Products. Bioresource Technology 200:572–578.

  • MOHAMAD AZRI SUKIRAN, SOH KHEANG LOH and NASRIN ABU BAKAR (2016). Production of Bio-oil from Fast Pyrolysis of Oil Palm Biomass using Fluidised Bed Reactor. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy 6(9):  52-62. ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online, Scopus-indexed).

  • MUDA K., LIEW W. L., KASSIM M. A. and  LOH SOH KHEANG (2016). Performance Evaluation of POME Treatment Plants.  ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11(4), 2153-2159.

  • NASRIN ABU BAKAR. (2016). Loji Komersial Penghasilan Biogas Asli Termampat (Bio-CNG) daripada Biogas berasaskan Efluen Sawit. Berita Sawit, Mukasurat 6-7, 4 Jun 2016.

  • NASRIN ABU BAKAR, LIM WENG  SOON, MOHAMD AZRI SUKIRAN, LOH SOH KHEANG  K and NURUL ADELA BUKHARI (2016). Co-firing of Biogas in Palm Oil Mill Biomass Boilers. Engineering Bulletin No. 120. p. 23-26.




  • NURUL ADELA BUKHARI, LOH SOH KHEANG and NASRIN ABU BAKAR (2015). The improvement on enzymatic hydrolysis of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) empty fruit bunch lignocellulose. Malaysian Applied Biology 44(1): 95–100

  • NURUL ADELA BUKHARI, NASRIN ABU BAKAR, SOH KHEANG LOH and MADIHAH AHMAD ZAIRUN (2015). Isolation and identification of novel bioflocculant-producing bacteria from palm oil mill effluent. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 9 (Spl. Edn. 1): 1–12

  • SOH KHEANG LOH, KAH YEIN CHEONG, YUEN MAY CHOO and JUMAT SALIMON (2015). Formulation and optimisation of spent bleaching earth-based bio organic fertilizer. Journal of Oil Palm Research 27 (1): 57-66

  • WAI LOAN LIEW, MOHD AZRAAI KASSIM, KHALIDA MUDA, SOH KHEANG LOH and AUGUSTINE CHIOMA AFFAM (2015). Conventional methods and emerging wastewater polishing technologies for palm oil mill effluent treatment: A review. Journal of Environmental Management 149: 222-235 (IF: 3.188)




  • CHEONG, K. Y., LOH SOH KHEANG and J. SALIMON (2014).  Effect of spent bleaching earth based bio organic fertilizer on growth, yield and quality of eggplants. AIP Conf. Proc. 1571, 744 (2014).

  • HALIMAH MUHAMAD, ZULKIFLI HASHIM and VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, CHOO YUEN MAY (2014). Water footprint part 1: production of oil palm seedlings in Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Oil Palm Research 26 (4)

  • KONG, S. H., LOH, SOH KHEANG, BACHMANN, R.T., RAHIM, S.A., and SALIMON, J (2014). Biochar from oil palm biomass: a review of its potential and challenges. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 39: 729-739 (Elsevier, ISI IF: 5.510)

  • KONG, S. H.,  LOH SOH KHEANG, ROBERT T. BACHMANN, CHOO YUEN MAY, J. SALIMON and S. ABDUL RAHIM (2014). Production and physico-chemical characterization of biochar from palm kernel shell. AIP Conf. Proc. 1571, 749 (2014);

  • LIEW WAI LOAN, MOHD AZRAAI KASSIM, KHALIDA MUDA, LOH SOH KHEANG and NORLIANA ABDULLAH (2014). Performance Evaluation of Industrial Effluent Treatment Systems (IETSs) - an on sight for biotechnology advances in agro-based wastewater treatment. World Applied Sciences Journal 30 (Innovation Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research and Practice): 316-325. DOI:10.5829/idosi.wasj.2014.30.icmrp.4

  • LIEW WAI LOAN, KHALIDA MUDA, MOHD. AZRAAI KASSIM, KOK YAN LAI, ZI YANG SI, YEAP HONG THONG, and LOH SOH KHEANG (2014). POME treatment efficacy as affected by carrier material size in micro-bioreactor system. Applied mechanics and materials 567:104-109. doi:10.4028/

  • LOH SOH KHEANG, NASRIN ABU BAKAR, NURUL ADELA BUKHARI, MOHAMAD AZRI SUKIRAN, MUZZAMMIL NGATIMAN, DARYL JAY, T. STASHA ELEANOR ROSLAND ABEL, MOHD FARIS M. R, LIM WENG SOON and CHOO YUEN MAY. Biogas capture & utilization from palm  oil mill effluent. MPOB Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities

  • MOHAMAD AZRI SUKIRAN, LOH SOH KHEANG, NASRIN ABU BAKAR and CHOO YUEN MAY (2014). Pyrolysis of empty fruit bunches: Influence of temperature on the yields and composition of gaseous product. American Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (4): 606-610

  • NUR AZREENA IDRIS; SOH KHEANG LOH and YUEN MAY CHOO (2014). Urea fractionation of used palm oil methyl esters. Journal of Oil Palm Research 26 (3): 109-119

  • NURUL ADELA BUKHARI, NASRIN ABU BAKAR, LOH SOH KHEANG and CHOO YUEN MAY (2014). Bioethanol production by fermentation of oil palm empty fruit bunches pretreated with combined chemicals. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences 4(10): 234-242

  • NURUL ADELA BUKHARI, MUZZAMMIL NGATIMAN, LOH SOH KHEANG and CHOO YUEN MAY (2014). Characteristics of palm oil mill effluent (POME) in an anaerobic biogas digester. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences 16 (1): 225-231

  • SHEN SHI-CHENG,ZHOU YU-JIE,MI JIE,ZHANG JIAN-AN, DAI    LING-MEI, LIU DE-HUA, CHOO YUEN MAY and LOH SOH KHEANG (2014). Preparation of surfactants for enhanced oil recovery from alkali lignin pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide. Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products 34(1):57-61. doi: 10. 3969 /j.issn.0253-2417.2014.01.010. (Broad Project)

  • VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, HALIMAH MUHAMAD, ZULKIFLI HASHIM and CHOO YUEN MAY (2014).  Water Footprint Part 3: The production of crude palm oil in Malaysian Palm Oil Mills. Journal of Oil Palm Research 26 (4)

  • ​XINGKAI CUI, XUEBING ZHAO, JING ZENG, SOH KHEANG LOH, YUEN MAY CHOO and DEHUA LIU (2014). Robust enzymatic hydrolysis of formiline-pretreated oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) for efficient conversion of polysaccharide to sugars and ethanol. Bioresource Technology 166:584–591. (Elsevier, ISI IF: 4.750), (Board Project)

  • ZULKIFLI HASHIM, VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, HALIMAH MUHAMAD and CHOO YUEN MAY (2014). Water Footprint Part 2: Production of FFB in Malaysia. Journal of Oil Palm Research 26 (4) December 2014

  • VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, HALIMAH MUHAMMAD, ZULKIFLI HASHIM, CHOO YUEN MAY (2014). Malaysia Palm Oils LCA incorporating methane capture by 2020.  Journal of Oil Palm, Environment & Health: 5:49-54




  • LIPING TANA, YONG CHENG, XUEZHI LI, JIN ZHOA, YINBO QUA, YUEN MAY CHOO and SOH KHEANG LOH. Pretreatment of empty fruit bunch from oil palm for fuel ethanol production and proposed biorefinery process.  Bioresource Technology 135: 275-282 (Elsevier, ISI IF: 4.750)

  • LOH SOH KHEANG, JAMES S., MUZAMMIL NGATIMAN, CHEONG K. Y., CHOO YUEN MAY and LIM WENG SOON. Enhancement of palm oil refinery waste-Spent Bleaching Earth (SBE) into bio organic fertilizer and their effect on crop biomass growth. Industrial Crops and Products 49: 775-781 (Elsevier, ISI IF: 2.468)

  • LOH SOH KHEANG, MEI LEE LAI, MUZAMMIL NGATIMAN, LIM WENG SOON, CHOO YUEN MAY, ZHENJIA ZHANG, JUMAT SALIMON (2013). Zero discharge treatment technology of Palm Oil Mill Effluent, Journal of Oil Palm Research 25(3): 273-281

  • LOH SOH KHEANG LOH and CHOO YUEN MAY (2013). Prospect, Challenges and Opportunities on Biofuels in Malaysia. Advances in Biofuels (Ravindra, Pogaku and Sarbatly, Rosalam Hj. eds.).  Springer. p. 3-14

  • S. M. PHANG, E. M. MUSTAFA, W. L. CHU, L. MANIAM, S. RAMACHANDRAN, NM NIK-SULAIMAN, C. Y. TAN, LOH SOH KHEANG, HARRISON LAU LIK NANG and NA IDRIS. Microalgae for bioremediation of palm oil mill effluent and production of lipid- rich biomass for biofuel. PHYCOLOGIA 52(4), 86-87

  • VEJEYSRI VELLO, PHANG SIEW MOI, CHU WAN LO, NAZIA ABD MAJID, LIM PHAIK EE, LOH SOH KHEANG. Lipid productivity and fatty acid composition-guided selection of chlorella strains isolated from Malaysia for Biodiesel Production. J. Apply Phycol. DOL 10.1007/s 10811-0160-y (Springer, ISI IF:2.326)

  • VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, N. RAVI MENON, HELMI SIN and CHOO YUEN MAY. The development of a residual oil recovery system to increase the revenue of a palm oil mill. Journal of Oil Palm Research Vol. 25 (1): 116-122

  • YUNG CHEE LIANG, HARRISON LAU LIK NANG and CHOO YUEN MAY. Physico-chemical properties of biodiesel produced from jatropha curcas and palm oil. Journal of Oil Palm Research. Vol. 25(2):159-164

  • ZHANG H. ZHOU Y., LI J, DAI L., LUI D., ZHANG J., CHOO Y. M, LOH S. K. Pretreatment of oil palm residues by dilute alkali for cellulosic ethanol production. Sengwu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Biotechnology:29: Issue 4:490-500




  • CHOO YUEN MAY, YUNG CHEE LIANG and MA AH NGAN. Oil Palm. In: Kole, C.; Joshi, C.P. and Shonnard, D.R., editors. Handbook of bioenergy crop plants, CRC Press, 433 - 451

  • LOH SOH KHEANG, VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM and MUZZAMMIL NGATIMAN. Oil palm biomass energy resource data Malaysian Palm Oil Board.

  • LOH SOH KHEANG and CHOO YUEN MAY. Influence of a lubricant auxiliary by Palm Oil Methyl Esters(POME) on performance of palm olein-based fluid. Journal of Oil Palm Research 24(2): 1388-1396

  • NURSULIHATIMARSYILA ABD WAFTI, HARRISON LAU LIK NANG and CHOO YUEN MAY. Value-added products from palm sludge oil. Journal of Applied Sciences. ISSN 1812: 5654/DOI: 10.3923/jas.2012

  • VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM and CHOO YUEN MAY.  Green house gas emissions for the production of crude palm kernel oil-a gate to gate case study. Journal of Oil Palm Research :24: 1511-1517

  • VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, RAVI MENON, CHOO YUEN MAY and HELMI SIN. Resiual oil recovery system. Journal of Oil Palm Research




  • CHOO YUEN MAY, HALIMAH MUHAMMAD, ZULKIFLI HASHIM, VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, PUAH CHIEW WEI and TAN YEW AI (2011). Determiation of GHG contribution by subsystems in the oil palm supply chain using the LCA approach. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. DOI 10.1007/s11367-011-0303-9

  • CHOO YUEN MAY, HARRISON LAU LIK NANG and LOH SOH KHEANG (2011). Chapter 27: Renewable energy from oil palm. In futher advances in oil palm research (2000-2010) Vol.2 eds. M Asri. W, CHOO Y. M and CHAN K. W. p.847-895

  • HARRISON LAU LIK NANG, KOK Y. C and CHOO YUEN MAY(2011). Effects of nanotag markers in pal methyl esters and their blends with petroluem diesel. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc.88:843-849

  • LOH SOH KHEANG, NUR AZREENA IDRIS and CHOO YUEN MAY (2011). Production of distilled biodiesel fuels through direct alkaline transesterification of used frying oil. Journal of Oil Palm Research: 23(3):1136-1141

  • LOH SOH KHEANG, FUEZIAH SUBARI and SHARIFAH AISHAH SYED A. KADIR (2011). Pre-treatment of palm oiein-derived used frying oil as a feedstock for non-food applicattions. Journal of Oil Palm Research: 23(3): 1186-1192

  • LOH SOH KHEANG, NURRAFIQ MOHD EHIWAN and MOHAMAD AZRI SUKIRAN (2011).  Chapter 19: Management of palm oil mill effluent. In futher advances in oil palm research (2000-2010) Vol.2 eds. M Asri. W, CHOO Y. M and CHAN K. W. p.610-625

  • MOHAMAD AZRI SUKIRAN, LOH SOH KHEANG, NASRIN ABU BAKAR and CHOO YUEN MAY (2011). Production and characterisation of bio-char from the pyrolysis of empty fruit bunches. American Journal of Applied Science (AJAS) 8(10):984-988

  • MOHD ASYRAF KASSIM, NASRIN ABU BAKAR, LOH SOH KHEANG and ASTIMAR ABD. AZIZ (2011). Influence of olid loading concentration, inociulums size and nitrogen sources on ethanol production from Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) Hydrolysate in Separate Hydrolysis and Fermentation (SHF). Research Journal of Applied Sciences 6(5):310-319


l      production from enzymatically saccharified empty fruit bunches hydrolysate using saccharomyces cerevisiae. Research Journal of  

       Environment Sciences 5(6):573-586

  • NURSULIHATIMARSYILA ABD WAFTI, CHEAH K. Y., CHUAH T. G., SIEW WAI LIN and CHOONG T. S. Y (2011). Regeneration and characterization of spent bleaching clay. Journal of Oil Palm Resarch:23: 999-1004

  • NURSULIHATIMARSYILA ABD WAFTI, CHEAH K. Y., CHUAH T. G, SIEW WAI LIN and CHOONG T. S. Y. Deoiling efficiency for oil extractin from spent bleaching clay and the quality of recovered oil. Journal of Oil Palm Research: 23: 1005-1010

  • VIJAYA, S., HALIMAH, M., ZULKIFLI, H., AND CHOO, Y.M. (2011). Water footprint for the Oil palm industry. Palm Oil Development No 54:23-27




  • HARRISON LAU LIK NANG, KOK Y . CA and CHOO YUEN MAY (2010). Effrects of nano tag markers in palm methyl esters and its blends with petroleum diesel, JAOCS

  • NASRIN ABU BAKAR, CHOO YUEN MAY, LIM WENG SOON, L. JOSEPH, S. MICHAEL, ROHAYA MOHD HALIM and ASTIMAR ABD AZIZ (2010). Properties of oil palm biomass briquettes as a renewable energy fuel. Accepted for publication for World Applied Science Journal (WASJ) 2010-798

  • NUR AZREENA IDRIS, LOH SOH KHEANG, CHOO YUEN MAY and BOEY PENG LLIM (2010). Preparation of palm oil metheyl esthers for alkenyl succinic anhidride production. Sains Malaysian, University Sains Malaysia: 39(5):817-820

  • NUR SULIHATIMARSYILA, CHEAH K. Y., CHUAH,T. G, SIEW W. L and CHOONG T. S. Y (2010). Deoiling and regeneration effieciencies of spent bleaching clay, American Journal of Applied Sciences 7 (3): 434-437

  • VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, MA AH NGAN and CHOO YUEN MAY (2010). Environmental performance of the production of crude palm kernel oil using the Life Cycle Assessment Approach, palm oil development No. 51 (December 2009) Published April 2010, Malaysian Palm Oil Board 6-12

  • VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, MA AH NGAN and CHOO YUEN MAY (2010). Capturing Biogass: A means to reduce green house gas emissions for the production of crude palm oil, American journal of Geoscience 1(1). Science Publications 1-6

  • VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, CHOO YUEN MAY, HALIMAH MUHAMMAD, ZULKIFLI HASHIM, YEW AI TAN and PUAH CHIEW WEI(2010). Life cycle assessment of the production of crude palm oil (Part 3), Journal of Oil Palm Research: 904-903.

  • VIJAYA SUBRAMANIAM, CHOO YUEN MAY, HALIMAH MUHAMMAD, ZULKIFLI HASHIM, YEW AI TAN and PUAH CHIEW WEI(2010). Life cycle assessment of the production of crude palm oil (Part 3a),  Journal of Oil Palm Research: 904-912.

  • VIJAYA, S., MA, A.N. AND CHOO, Y.M. (2010). Capturing Biogas: A means to reduce green house gas emissions for the production of Crude Palm Oil. American Journal of Geoscience 1 (1): 1-6




  • MOHAMAD AZRI  SUKIRAN, CHOW MEE CHIN and NOR KARTINI ABU BAKAR (2009). Bio-oils from pyrolysis of oil palm empty fruit bunches, American Journal of Applied Science 6 (5): 869-875

  • MOHAMAD AZRI  SUKIRAN, CHOW MEE CHIN and NOR KARTINI ABU BAKAR (2009). Optimization of pyrolysis of oil palm empty fruit bunches. Journal of Palm Research 21: 653-658

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