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The E&E Unit provides the following analytical and consultation services to the oil palm industry:





Analytical Services

1.    Palm biomass characterization as fuel (Fuel and Combustion Characteristics)

  • Calorific value (ASTM 2015)

  • Ultimate analysis: CHNS-O content (ASTM D5373:93)

  • Proximate analysis: ash content (ISO 1171:97), moisture content (BS 4289), volatile matter content (ISO 562:98), fixed carbon (by difference), hexane extractable content (ISO 734:79)

  • Compilation of energy database


2. Normal and winter-grade palm biodiesel as transportation fuel


3. Bio-waxes/bio-lubricants characterization

  • Kinematic viscosity (ASTM D445), viscosity index (ASTM D2270), Rotating Pressure  Vessel Oxidation Test (RPVOT) (ASTM D2272), TAN (ASTM D664), TBN (ASTM D2896), density (ASTM D4052), moisture content  (ASTM D1744)


4. POME characterisation at various stages of treatment

  • BOD (Winkler Titration Method), COD (50% Reduction Method), total solids*, suspended solid (Centrifugal Method, Three-Piece Filter Funnel Method), volatile total solids*, volatile fatty acids*, oil and grease (Soxhlet Extraction Method), total nitrogen (Micro Method),  ammoniacal nitrogen*, total alkalinity (Electrometric Titration Method)

  • Status and quality of POME

  • Baseline establishment of POME


5. Analysis of compositions of gas

  • Flue gas from combustion, biogas from POME


Environmental Services


  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

  • Quantification of Carbon Footprint/ GHG emissions

  • Quantification of water footprint 



* Adopted from Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, (1985), American Public Health Association, Washington, USA.



© 2015:Divison_Engineering_&_processing: energy_&_environment_group

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